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Gypsy Soul: A Bad Boy Protector Romance (Lost Boys Book 3) Page 6
Gypsy Soul: A Bad Boy Protector Romance (Lost Boys Book 3) Read online
Page 6
The rest of me hates the thought of spending another second away from her. Even if that time would be spent collecting the pain Felicity wasted on men who didn’t deserve her.
“Who?” My desire to take Felicity from my room is fading fast, not that there was much of it to begin with. All I want is to keep her here. With me.
From everything.
Show her I’m different. Prove I’m worthy of what she’s wasted on other men.
Her eyes drop mine. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does, though.”
When her gaze comes back to mine it’s different. Jaded. “Why? Because you’re going to find them? And do what?”
“Whatever I want.” I slide my hand down, tracing the skin over her jaw, letting my fingers rest against her neck, the pad of my thumb just over the racing beat of her pulse. “Did you love any of them?”
I shouldn’t ask. She’s almost thirty. Of course she’s been in love. Probably more than once.
And I’m an ass for being pissed about it.
But I am.
One shoulder lifts then drops.
“How many?”
“How many men have I loved, or how many have I fucked?” One brow lifts in defiance. “Either way it’s none of your business.” Felicity pushes me, shoving my body off hers.
“Oh no.” I hold on tight, rolling her with me. “You’re not leaving yet.”
“I’m doing whatever I want.” Her voice is rising again, our momentary reprieve clearly over. “You passed me off once. Do it again.” She struggles against my hold as I roll to my back, pulling her along.
“I passed you off for your own damn good.” I grunt as her body hits mine with more force than I’m expecting.
Felicity lands on top of me and immediately sits up, her knees falling to each side of my hips. Both hands come to rest on the center of my chest.
It’s a position I’ve imagined her in more times than I should be willing to admit, and I can’t control my body’s reaction.
Felicity’s eyes drop to where her pussy rests tight against my rapidly-thickening dick. When her gaze lifts to mine the fear from seconds ago is replaced by something infinitely more problematic.
The hands braced on my chest relax and begin to slide over my skin, creeping along my pecs and over my stomach. Felicity’s eyes lock onto the movement, lids heavy as her cheeks flush a pretty pink I’ll be remembering for a long fucking time.
A week ago I would have done anything to have her look at me like this, and if she had, I’d have wasted no time doing any and everything she wanted.
But not now.
Now I know I have to be careful.
My girl isn’t as unbreakable as she seems.
Her fingers hit the waistband of my jeans and I catch a wrist with each hand, pulling her arms high as I roll her back under me, taking control I will gladly give back when I know she’s ready. “You hate me, remember, Beanie?”
“That doesn’t mean I’m fucking blind.” Felicity’s irritation is clear.
And I love it.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I hold her wrists tighter as she tries to work them free. “But I’m not ready to fuck you yet.”
Her pupils dilate in the dim light. “What does that mean?”
“It means you have to wait.”
Her eyes narrow. “I never said I wanted to have sex with you.”
“Then I guess you’re happy I’m not offering to fuck you right now.”
Felicity scoffs, her nostrils flaring as the pink on her cheeks flushes deeper. “You won’t get to fuck me ever.”
“More lies.” I consider egging her on even more, just so I can hear the word fuck in her voice a few more times. “I will fuck you, Felicity. You know it. I know it.” I take in one last, long breath, savoring the feel of her body under mine. The scent of her skin pressing into my sheets. “But not here.”
I make myself stand and hold one hand out to help her up.
She scowls at me, ignoring my palm, instead pushing up on her own, leaving my sheets mussed and my bed empty. “Fuck you, Gypsy.”
“You will, Beanie. Be patient.” I can’t stop my smile as her spine snaps straight, shoulders pushing back until I’m sure she might break in half.
“Not happening.” Felicity doesn’t turn back as she marches out the door and down the stairs. “Levi. I need you to take me home.”
Her voice carries through the mostly-gutted building, echoing around the bare space.
So does Cook’s answer. “Not gettin’ my ass kicked tonight, Felicity. Sorry.”
Her steps get heavier. “Christian. Grab your balls and take me home.”
Preacher is shaking his head as I round the corner of the only wall still standing on the first floor. His arms are crossed over his chest. “Sorry, Sugar.”
She spins to face me. “You.” Felicity takes a few quick steps my way, her hands out and ready to do damage. I know enough now to understand this isn’t just about who’s taking her home.
“Me. That’s all it’s ever going to be, Beanie.” I catch her as she comes close, spinning her away from me so her back is against my chest.
It’s the safest position I can think of, and considering I’ve got a chest full of bare skin for her to have at, I want to keep her nails and teeth as far from me as possible.
For now.
I lean into her ear, keeping my voice low and only for her. “You should start trying to get used to it.”
I swear to God she growls at me. A feral sort of sound that shows just how wild my girl really is.
All those pretty dresses and expensive shoes tried to hide it, but deep down Felicity is nothing like the woman she shows the world.
The same one she tried to show me.
Felicity is the kind of woman who can ride a bike and hot-wire a car.
My car most recently.
“I don’t want to go with you.”
“You gonna keep lying to me, Beanie?” I nod to where I shucked my shirt earlier tonight before I started taking out my frustration on the old fire station we’ve been working hard to get functional. “Toss me my shirt.”
Cook grabs it and throws it my way. “You coming back tonight?”
“Nope.” I keep my hold on Felicity and start dragging her toward the door leading to the old engine bays.
“Have fun with that.” Preacher’s voice carries through the open door as I pull Felicity toward my car.
I open the passenger door and push her toward it. “Get in, Beanie. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
I say it, knowing damn well that’s exactly what she’s going to do.
I block her in as I pull on my shirt, waiting for her to realize I’m not backing down. Not anymore. “Get in the car.” I crowd closer, thinking maybe I can intimidate her into doing what I want.
I know better.
But I’ll be just as happy if she stands up to me. And she will.
Felicity shakes her head and holds her ground. “No.”
I keep coming closer, until my body is tight against hers. These are going to be her options from now on. She can do what I say.
Or she can deal with what comes next.
I’m not sure which one she’ll pretend to hate more.
I rest my hands on her hips. “Get in.”
“No.” This time it’s not as strong. Not as solid.
I lean in close, happier than she realizes that she’s given me this opportunity. The breath rushes from her lungs as my lips barely graze her ear. “Please.”
“Goddammit.” She drops into the seat. “I fucking hate you.”
“Liar.” I shut the door and jog to the other side, hoping I won’t have to chase her down if she decides to run.
That’s not true. I’d love to chase her down.
Felicity sits in the passenger’s seat, arms crossed tight over her chest, the scowl I’ve missed twisting her full lips.
> I press the button on the opener clipped to the visor, and the large door slides up, opening a view of the night sky.
“Wait.” Felicity’s arms fly open and she grabs at the door. “My bike.”
“Cook already took care of it.” I point to the corner of the large space, where Felicity’s sport bike sits next to her car.
“You can’t just keep taking my stuff.”
“Looks like I can.” I start the engine and pull out, closing the bay behind us as I turn toward Felicity’s townhouse.
“You don’t have any more stuff at my house.” She says it like it will matter.
“Guess I’ll just have to be naked then.”
Felicity stares out the windshield.
“Imagining me naked?”
Her head snaps toward me. “No.” Her eyes drop down my body. “Not that you’ve left me much to imagine.”
“I can show you the rest.”
The flush from earlier flares back to life with a vengeance.
Yeah. She hates me. Right.
“No, thank you.”
“That’s about the most polite you’ve ever been with me, Beanie.” I reach over to catch a bit of hair that’s fallen free of her drooping braid. “I think you’re warming up to me.”
Felicity smacks at my hand. “I’m not.”
I shake my head. “All the lies tonight.”
She doesn’t reply, instead assumes her original position, arms crossed, spine straight, eyes staring straight ahead.
I roll my window down, letting in the cool night air.
For the first time in a week shit seems right.
I’d rather fight with her all damn night then spend it sleeping on a bed miles from where she is.
“I missed you, Beanie.”
Felicity’s face turns toward the side window, and she still remains silent, giving no sign she heard me.
I know she did.
She just doesn’t want to believe it.
That’s fine.
But I’m done. Done holding back. Done tiptoeing around, waiting for her to be okay with what I know is there between us. No more space. No more caution.
I’m doing what needs to be done. To keep her safe.
And to make her mine.
JUMPING FROM THIS car might be easier to handle than what I’m dealing with inside it.
I missed you.
Three little words that stab into me with more force than I can handle.
No man has ever said them to me before.
I’d come to the conclusion that it was because I’m not the kind of woman men miss.
And I might still be right.
Gypsy pulls around the back of my townhouse, creeping along behind the row of garages. “Which one is it, Felicity?”
“None of your business.” I have to be angry even though it’s harder than it’s ever been.
“I’ll find it, Beanie.” He stops the car and twists to face me. “Even if I have to break into all of them to do it.”
“You can’t just go around breaking into garages.”
“I can. I have. I will again if you don’t tell me which one it is now.”
Gypsy has never tried to hide what he is from me. The kind of man he used to be.
Probably still is, based on his willingness to commit a felony just to find out which garage is mine.
“There’s cameras all over the place here.” I point to one of the small devices attached to the corner of the line of garages as proof. “You would get caught.”
“Then I’d be out of your way.” He shifts closer, his voice dropping low. “Isn’t that what you want? Me far away from you?”
I close my eyes, fighting to ignore the emotion his words stir inside me.
I wouldn’t be scared if Gypsy was arrested.
I wouldn’t be worried.
I wouldn’t miss him.
“Damn it.” I shove open the door and stomp out, snapping open the cover on my garage’s keypad and punching in the code. The door starts to lift and I duck under it, heading straight for the exit on the other side. The headlights of Gypsy’s El Camino fill the space as he pulls inside the empty bay and shuts off the engine.
“That’s a lot of tools, Beanie.”
I ignore the comment. I don’t feel like explaining anything to him right now, even though it might be the best thing I could do for myself.
Pump the breaks on the insanity Gypsy tries to plant inside me, making me think that maybe he likes me.
Really did miss me.
But he wouldn’t if he knew the real me.
He would look at me the same way every other man did before I came here and reinvented myself. Tried to be the kind of girl they always passed over me for.
A lot of good that fucking did me.
I unlock the other door and keep walking. I just want to go to bed. Pull the covers over my head and forget tonight.
I open the gate to the small patio and stop short.
The sliding door is open.
I know I closed it behind me.
Didn’t I?
I creep closer, squinting into the darkness. “Hello?”
The interior of my townhouse is silent. No sign that anyone is inside.
I’m about to take another step when I’m grabbed from behind for the second time tonight. A hand clamps over my mouth, smothering the yelp I let out in surprise.
“I swear to God, Felicity.” Gypsy’s voice is tight in my ear as he pulls me farther from the door. We are barely out the still-open gate, spinning to one side of the fence when I see a shadowy figure move on the other side of the open door.
My back is pressed against the fence with Gypsy’s body blanketing my front. His face is so close his nose almost touches mine. He holds one finger over his lips and pulls his hand free of my mouth.
Then he starts to step away.
I grip his shirt with both hands, fisting the fabric as tight as I can.
He’s not going in there.
“There’s someone inside.” I hold him tighter. “You can’t go in there.”
His lips slowly lift into a smile in the shadows. “I like that you’re worried about me, Beanie.”
“I’m worried about your blood staining my carpet.”
“Sure.” He moves back in close. “Whatever you say.”
He’s still wearing that smile and I don’t hate it.
“But, I don’t like it when people fuck with what’s mine.” His hands wrap around mine, strong thumbs working into my clenched fists. “If he’s lucky you’ve bought him enough time to get out the front door.” He breaks my hold, but makes no move to leave, instead dropping his face closer. “Because if I find him, there will be blood on your carpet.”
I pull in a breath.
Gypsy is deceiving as hell. His laid-back demeanor makes it easy to think he’s not like the rest of the men he hangs around with.
And maybe that makes him even more so.
“Please don’t go in there.”
I’ve done all sorts of things most people would consider dangerous and I was never scared. Never worried I would get hurt.
If anything I liked it. Liked the bite of adrenaline.
But right now I’m scared.
Still not for myself.
Gypsy’s hazel eyes move over my face, the shift of his gaze barely visible in the shadows. “I have to.”
I shake my head. “You don’t.”
“I will give you anything you want, Beanie. Anytime you want it.” He pauses, catching the tail of what’s left of my braid between his fingers. “Unless it puts you in danger.”
“But I’m not in danger.” I reach out to grab him again. “If you leave me here I could be. What if that person is just waiting for you to go in so I’ll be out here alone?”
His jaw sets, barely shifting to one side.
Hadn’t thought of that, had he?
I don’t really think that’s wha
t will happen. Even if it did, the idea of Gypsy confronting an unknown intruder bothers me significantly more than me confronting an unknown intruder.
And that’s not something I want to dwell on right now.
Because it’s a bad, bad thing.
Gypsy leans to peek around the side of the open gate toward the sliding door leading into my townhouse. He shifts back to look me in the eye. “Are you going to listen to me if I let you come in with me?”
“Of course.” I might be a liar.
He snorts. “Liar.”
I don’t have time to pretend to be offended by his immediate recognition of the truth, because a second later Gypsy’s moving, using one arm to pull my body behind his as we creep toward the still-open back door. I stay close, pressing my hands into his back.
Just like the first time we met.
It was easier to trust him then. When he was just some guy trying to keep me safe.
I know he hasn’t changed. He still a guy trying to keep me safe.
But I have changed.
Maybe learned is a better word.
I’ve learned a lot about myself. Taken a long, hard look at who I was trying to be.
And it turns out she sucked.
I follow as he moves inside, matching my steps with his, keeping my breathing even and slow. It’s what I used to do before every race.
Before every jump.
Before every date.
It’s how I stayed focused on the prize.
But now I know there are some things you can’t win, no matter how hard you try.
Gypsy stops and stands perfectly still. He’s not even breathing.
So I stop breathing too.
He’s trying to listen.
I don’t even blink.
“Fuck.” He reaches out to flip on the kitchen light. “They’re gone.”
I blink hard as the light assaults my dilated pupils. Gypsy starts moving again and I go along with him, mostly because my eyes are watering a little, and I’m not sure about his assessment of the vacancy rate of my apartment. “Are you sure?”
“Positive.” He leads me down the hall, past the half bath, checking the living room on the left as we move toward the stairs on the right. He flips the deadbolt on the front door as we pass, locking what should have already been locked.
I stick close as he goes up the stairs, switching on the light in his room before going in. He immediately turns to me, one brow lifted in question.